Wednesday, May 28, 2014

#6 Adverbs


* An adverbs is a word that modifies a verb.
* Adverbs often tell us when, where, why, or under what condition something happens (happened)
 For example : He drives slowly ( How did he drive? )

Lets watch a short video to get an idea about adverbs :


* Frequent ends with -ly
* But sometimes, the word that ends with -ly does not guarantee the word is an adverb.
Eg : Lovely, lonely, motherly, friendly, neighborly.

* We often use more or most, and less or least to show degree with adverbs
Eg : With a pair of sneakers on, she could move more quickly and comfortably.

* Often function as intensifiers, conveying a greater or lesser emphasis to something.
   They are said to have three different functions : emphasis, amplify, or downtone.

- Emphasizers
Eg : I really do not like him.
     : He literally wrecked his mother's car.

- Amplifier
Eg : The teachers completely rejected her proposal.
     : I am absolutely refuse to attend to any more faculty meetings.
     : I know him well

- Downtoners
Eg : Joe sort of felt betrayed by his friend.
     : I kind of like this college.
     : We can improve this proposal to some extent.

* The "as___as" construction can be used to create adverb the shows equality or sameness .
Eg : I can run as fast as my friend.

* Most adverbs that modifies verbs will fit into more than one place in the sentence.
 Eg : Quickly, the robber ran away.
      : The robber ran away quickly.
      : The robber quickly ran away.

 * * * * * 


* Manner
-rapidly, unobtrusively, precariously, nicely,
-suitable examples for questions containing how

* Temporal/ Time Adverbs
-now , soon, afterwards, immediately

-suitable examples for questions containing when

Locative  Adverbs
- here , abroad, outside, nearby
-Suitable examples for questions containing where
* Degree Adverbs
-Almost, entirely, little, much, rather, too, very

Reason Adverbs
-so, why
E.g : I don’t think so
      : Why did she say that?

Number Adverbs
-first, one, second, twice, thrice
E.g :  We were here first
      I will say this once

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