Monday, May 5, 2014

#1 Adjective


♥ Definition

*Adjective is used or give more information about noun.
   eg : 'She is a kind girl'.
         She  = noun
         kind = adjective

*There are eight different type of adjectives :

*There are eight type of adjectives have to be used in a right 
  sequences just like as they are arranged above.
  eg : 'I have a very cute, small,round, pink and white Barbie hat'
       cute : Opinion
       small : Size
       round :  Shape
       pink,white : Colour
      Barbie : origin
These adjectives has give more explanation or details about the noun,hat, for example, when you are telling your friends about the hat you have just bought,they will certainly ask you a question, eg: 'how are they look like?' and you could help them to understand by describing the figure of physical of the hat by using adjectives,just like the example given above- and if you realize,the adjectives are used in the right sequence.

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* To give your opinion about a something that is called as noun
* Soft, silly, funny,cute, beautiful
* Fatin is a cute girl.


To describe the size of one thing.
* Long, tall, short,big, fat, thin
* Johnny is a little boy.


* To describe age.
* New, old, young.                                                
* She looks very young .


* To describe the physical shape of one thing.
* Square, round, oval, triangular.                                                          
* The lamp has a round bulb.


* Describe colour on one thing.
* Blue, pink, green, black.
* I lost my pink purse.


Describing the material of something.
* Hard, soft, rough.
* The blanket is so soft.


* Used to describe origin of one thing (nationality).
* Persian, Indian, Korean, Australian.
* Josh is a very Australian man.


* To show purpose.
* Raining coat, washing machine
* She is wearing a raining coat.



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